Ps3 Console Id Generator By Elite Legendary
==READ== DONT HATE! IM JUSTING SHOWING THIS TOOL! Tool made by: Elite Legendary What he says: This is my new Generator coded in C# instead of Java. This one is optimized to test out new CIDs all in one click. Instead of you having ten different options I made optimized setting button with the most common combinations instead of randomly putting every number and letter option like the other one.
Within 25 I was able to generate a valid CID but it was banned already so the chances of getting a valid CID with this one is a little higher. I would also like to work with someone or maybe a group to see if we can break down the CID pattern and have a higher chance of generating more valid CIDs. If you would like to work with me in order to make a better one. Add me on skype: Elite_l3g3ndary How to use: 1) Connect PS3 (CEX/DEX) 2) Hit Generate and Set button and connect to PSN to see if it worked. 3) Retry until you get a valid one or get tired. If anyone gets a working CID from this please post saying you got one or if you are kind enough post the CID itself.
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