Horstmann Hrfs1 Programmable Room Thermostat Instructions
Below you can view and/or download the English PDF manual of your Horstmann HRFS1 Thermostat. Couldn't find the manual that you were looking for? The Portrait Sketch With Jeremy Lipking RARE. RF Programmable Room Thermostat. Section of this manual before deciding on a final location for the receiver and control centre units.
• Programmable Room Thermostat with wireless communication technology. The Horstmann ThermoPlus AS2-RF is a wireless Programmable Room Thermostat that has been designed to make its operation very simple for the householder. The built in automatic clock means it will not need setting or adjusting for BST and GMT time changes. • The ThermoPlus AS2-RF The instructions contained in this user guide are designed to help with the programming and operation of the unit. Part 1 of these instructions explains the day to day operation of the AS2-RF Part 2 of these instructions describes programming the AS2-RF Part 3 of these instructions is for understanding the receiver The AS2-RF thermostat kit is made up of two parts: 1 x ASR-RF Receiver. • Part 1 – Day to Day operation The ThermoPlus AS2-RF has been designed to be a simple to use thermostat, requiring minimal user intervention with a pre-programmed heating profile.
Simple temperature adjustments can be easily carried out by using the ‘+’ and ‘-‘ buttons. The indicator lights react to any temporary user adjustments, with the LED indicators working in the following way. • Warm and Cool Temperature Adjustment The Warm and Cool target temperature settings on the ThermoPlus AS2-RF are Press here to select fully adjustable. To change a target Warm or Cool temperature it is first necessary to press the centre button to bring up the ‘Warm’ or ‘Cool’. Solidworks Routing Add In Download. • Audible Feedback All buttons on the AS2-RF give an audible confirmation when pressed. A short bleep means ‘Yes’, a longer buzz means ‘No’ – the setting/adjustment cannot be done. Frost Protection The blue button situated under the flap will initiate the frost protection mode, when pressed the word ’STANDBY’.
• Time and Date Check The Thermoplus AS2-RF thermostat has a built in automatic clock adjusting for BST & GMT time changes and has been preset with the current time and date during manufacture. No alteration should be required to the time and date, however if any modification is required please refer to the flowchart below. • Setting Heating Profiles The ThermoPlus AS2-RF contains a selection of five preset and one user definable profile options, one of these will have been set by the Installer. Care should be taken to ensure a profile is selected that suits your lifestyle the best.
Profiles one to five are detailed on pages 8 and 9. • Heating Profiles The ThermoPlus AS2-RF has six heating profiles, five are fixed and one is adjustable. Profile ‘ONE’ has been set as the default and is detailed below. During installation a heating profile should have been set to best match your requirements; illustrations of the preset profiles are shown below. • PROFILE FOUR START STATUS START STATUS MON - FRI 06:00 WARM SAT/SUN 07:00 WARM 08:00 COOL 22:00 COOL 11:30 WARM 13:30 COOL 17:00 WARM 22:30 COOL 5/2 DAY TIME PROFILE TIME MON - FRI SAT/SUN MON - FRI TEMPERATURE PROFILE WARM COOL SAT/SUN. • User Definable - 7 Day Programming Profile 6 will allow you to set up a profile to your exact requirements.
By using the flow chart below you can adjust the Warm/Cool timing periods as required. If only one or two Warm/Cool periods are required on any day set the times accordingly and set the remaining Warm and Cool start times to be exactly the same as each other. • Part 3 – Understanding the receiver RF TECHNOLOGY The AS2-RF thermostat uses radio frequency technology to communicate wirelessly between the receiver and transmitter. This makes the AS2-RF ideal for fitting in either new or existing systems where additional wiring cannot be used for either practical or cosmetic reasons.
• RECEIVER STATUS INDICATOR (LED) LIGHT The tri-coloured LED on the receiver allows both the installer and the end user to understand the status of communication between the receiver and the AS2-RF. The LED has six different indications, these are; INSTALLATION MODE PLEASE NOTE. • Communication Fail Safe Modes RECEIVER FAIL SAFE MODE Should your receiver enter the Fail Safe Mode this will be conveyed by the LED indicator going solid amber. This will only happen if the receiver has not received a signal from the AS2-RF for more than 60 minutes. • GENERAL INFORMATION Resetting the AS2-RF Transmitter Electronic equipment can in some circumstances be affected by electrical interference. If the display becomes frozen or scrambled; or if you wish to revert back to the default settings please use the following procedure. PLEASE NOTE: Do not attempt to reset without batteries being fitted.
• No Signal Indicator Should your AS2-RF enter the Fail Safe Mode this will be conveyed by the LCD display showing ‘No Sig’ every 3 seconds. This indicates that the AS2-RF has not received a signal to confirm the last ‘Warm/Cool’ change from the receiver.
To resume normal operation please use the following procedures. • Programmable room thermostats need a free flow of air to sense the temperature, so they must not be covered by curtains or blocked by furniture. Nearby electric fires, televisions, wall or table lamps may prevent the thermostat from working properly. Email: sales@horstmann.co.uk Website: www.horstmann.co.uk Horstmann Controls Limited, Bristol BS4 1UP Leaflet number P83020 – Issue 2.