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The primary instructor for the online kata video downloads, Jason Armstrong, PhD (7th Dan) has lived and trained with a master in Japan and has more than 30 years experience teaching karate in Japan, the USA and Australia. He also worked at CEO level in Corporate Japan. These 14 shorter videos differ from our longer videos in that they do not provide a backbone of, our longer videos (30min-1hr on the selected kata listed above) do this and provide more history on each kata. The longer 30min-1hr videos are also hi-res HD versus the 14 kata product is only 640x480.

Shito-ryu version as practiced by the Tani or Shukukai line. Shito-ryu version by Jason Armstrong 7th dan. Shotokan version performed by Sensei Shawn Danahur of Camarillo Shotokan. Shotokan & Shito-ryu versions are presented. Kata video on the pattern plus selected bunkai. Kata is performed fast, and at a slow walk through pace.

The kanji for the Pinan (Heian) kata represent 'peace and tranquility'. These kata were created by Sensei Itosu in Okinawa. The passage of the kata to Japan occurred via Mabuni sensei (founder of Shito-ryu) who took them first to the Kansai region of Japan. Eagles Youth Partnership License Plates. The kata also emerged in Tokyo via Funakoshi sensei (who renamed them 'Heian' - a Japanese pronounciation). From a number of researchers it appears that Funaksohi sensei learnt the kata from interactions with Mabuni sensei. Translation of kanji is 'Light from the South'. The Kata is performed fast and slow at different angles and includes a slow walk through of the pattern.

Bunkai is performed for the entire kata with an evidence based practice related to street assault & medical emergency department reports of violence. The Kata has at least 2 stories around its origins - both Taiwan related.

One is that it was a fighting from native Taiwan and moved to Japan/Okinawa from there. The other, by historian John Sells (8th Dan), is that Kyan Chotoku (a Okinawan karate practitioner who lead to the founding of the Shorin styles) went for a time to Taiwan and upon returning to Okinawa, he began to teach a new kata called Ananku.

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Download and install latest version of Karate Training app for free at Ratings, user reviews, direct apk files download links, update history. Mixed Martial Arts Training Martial Arts Masters. And what better way to round off the karate videos than with one of America’s early pioneers of.

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This historical note suggest Chotoku had created it as a basic kata from techniques developed from or inspired by his Taiwan adventures. Download Dreambox Dcc on this page. Like most karate kata, Unshu's origins are likely traceable back to China, and in particular for this kata, White Crane martial arts (, Unante; ISBN ). The most common of today's Unshu ver sions are often stated to be derived from Aragaki (Arakaki) Seisho who lived in Okinawa from the mid-1800s, to the early 1800s. Interestingly, beyond the Shotokan and Shito-ryu versions, there is radically different kata under the same name.

This version is practiced by Okinawan practitioners and is always termed 'Aragaki Unshu' rather than just 'Unshu'. The 'Aragaki Unshu' version is significantly different and clearly not a direct map to the Shotokan or Shito-ryu versions. The history is unclear, but the Shotokan version is likely a derivative of the Shito-ryu version, in a similar manner to the heaian kata having been passed to Funakoshi by Mabuni. It appears the kata was most likely spread to shito ryu, and other lineages via Sokon Matsumura (1809—circa 1902). In particular the historical notes point to him having learnt this from a Chinese sailor who was possibly shipwrecked on Okinawa. But it has been pointed out to me that this Chinese figure, who is referred to Chinto or Anan (with both names of course linked to 2 differing kata) likely taught a small number of other karate masters of the 1800s and its spread through Okinawa may in fact be via more than one just Matsumura. Some Okinawan research that emerged in the last few years..